Thursday, June 30, 2016

Real Places in Terranigma

Here is a map of all the places in Terranigma and their real world counterparts. I made this with information from the game, Google Earth, Wikipedia and various forums and fansites.


  1. Thanks for this map. I agree that Sylvain = probably Segovia castle, I was immediately reminded of the game when I visited there. There's even a painting in one of the rooms where all the people have no eyes (apparently, because the black pigment of their pupils eroded, leaving only white). Throne room and parts of the roof also look really similar.

    1. Oh wow, I never been there and the thing you say about the eyes is incredible if true. I will research this when I have more time or if you have a source (in any language) you can drop it here!

    2. Here you go, it's apparently a painting of the coronation of Isabella 1 (the queen who sent Columbus to America, so probably one of the models for Bloody Mary in the game, along with Mary Tudor of England). In real life it was a bit more obvious, but Isabella herself doesn't really have pupils in the painting and some of the male figures don't seem to either, so it kind of looks like they don't have eyes. Maybe Miyazaki visited the castle and thought the painting was a bit creepy?

      I don't think Segovia castle itself has a dungeon like Sylvain does in the game, but there are plenty of castles in Europe with dungeons like that (for example, the tower of Crest in France). Segovia castle does have a chapel though, like the one where you find the armor ghost in Terranigma.

    3. Awesome, I made a post on tumblr regarding this and credited you. Great discovery. It seems the empty sockets are symbolic.

    4. Also, the castle functioned as a prison as well apparently:
